When one thinks of Delhi summers, one thinks of discomfort. In the midst of our busy lives, the cool spring breeze is taken over by the hot loo winds. However, in the minds of nature and plant enthusiasts, the anticipation of the flowers that bloom in the Summers is what makes the season poetic. For someone venturing out into the world of gardening for the very first time, the thought of growing plants in high and dry temperatures can be quite stressful. So, what summer flowers grow well in the heat? I have encapsulated a list to help you out!

1. Marigold “One Of The Easiest Summer Flowers To Grow”

Also called Calendula or Tagetes, marigolds are one of the popular flowers of India. Often spotted at religious ceremonies and festivals, these flowers have a vivid hue that catches the eye. Marigolds have a pom-pom appearance and grow in colours of red, yellow, orange and gold. In fact, due to its strong bright colour, the flower is also used as a food colouring agent and natural bug repellent. 

Marigolds are fast-growing plants that require adequate sunlight, water and any good garden soil.

marigold farm
Image Source: Canva

2. Roses Of All Varieties

The flower that makes for the symbol of love can be grown in the hot Delhi summers. The thought of growing such royal flowers can be quite daunting, but with special care, you can ensure a fragrant and stunning bloom. Grown in pink, red, white and yellow colours, roses provide beauty even during the scorching heat.

Roses require a sunny location, good draining, frequent fertilisation and adequate water. In situations where the temperatures soar too high, a partial shade could help the plant grow. The aroma and colour of the roses attract pests, which makes it important to keep an eye out for any signs of disease. Red Scales and dieback fungus are two common diseases that affect the roses in India along with Red Mites, Mealybugs, Powdery Mildew and Black Spots.

A pro-tip for growing roses in summer would be to pair the plants with marigolds – which are natural bug repellents.

red rose in pot
Image Source: Canva

3. Hibiscus

If someone would have told me that the delicate and gorgeous hibiscus flourishes in the Delhi heat, I would never have believed them – but it’s true, these dainty-looking flowers bloom in Delhi summers! To ensure the healthy growth of hibiscus, the plant would need ample sunlight, moist soil and regular fertilization. The hibiscus is a strong shrub and grows rampant, so it’s advisable to select a space where the plant can grow to its fullest. 

pink hibiscus
Image Source: Canva

4. Sunflower As A Summer Flower

A list of flowers to grow in Delhi summers could not be complete without mentioning the energizing sunflowers. To ensure healthy sunflowers, provide the flowers with ample sunlight. In fact, during the bud stage, sunflowers exhibit a unique trait called heliotropism, in which the bud of the sunflower faces the sun at all times throughout the day, starting the day facing east and ending it facing west. It is also important to ensure well-drained soil, as over-watered and over-moist soil can harm their growth. 

sunflower farm
Image Source: Canva

5. Jasmine- Summer Flowers

Also known as Mogra, jasmine is India’s most popular and well-loved flower. With their sweet fragrance and captivating beauty, jasmines are widely used in perfumes, oils, religious ceremonies and festivities. To grow healthy jasmines, ensure that the plant gets ample sunlight. The plant requires moist, but well-drained soil and weekly fertilization. For best results, grow jasmine near a wall or fence; however, the plants can also grow in large pots. 

jasmine- fragrant summer flowers
Image Source: Canva

So, now that you have a list of flowers that grows during the summers in Delhi, it’s time to get our gardening equipment out (along with a glass of cool lemonade) and welcome the stunning plants to your home.