Money trees, native to South and Central America, are attractive houseplants identified by their braided trunks. They are popular in Feng Shui for bringing wealth and positive ‘chi’ or energy into the home. The plant is known for its hardy nature and is easy to care for. They are usually bought from nurseries as small plants with their trunks braided. It is very rare to start them from seed at home. They grow at a fast pace, with 24 inches being added to their height every year. While they grow 60 feet in the wild, they grow up to 6 to 8 feet indoors. Here is a guide on how and why proper care for Money Tree is necessary.

Lighting Needed For Money Tree

Pachira Aquatica or Money trees can tolerate full sun, but you should position them in medium to bright indirect sunlight. Rotate the plant regularly for even light distribution. They can also adapt to fluorescent light so you can keep one at your office too. Also Read: How to Grow And Care For Poinsettia Plant At Home?

Watering Money Tree

  1. You need to water your money tree infrequently but deeply.
  2. Water generously every one to two weeks when the soil feels dry to the touch.
  3. In winter, it needs less amount of water as it grows slowly.
  4. To avoid root rot, ensure that it never stands in water.

Fertilization Requirements

One can care of money tree more efficiently by keeping the below points in mind:
  1. Before you feed it, ensure the soil is damp. You can apply a water-soluble, well-balanced plant at half the strength, like an all-purpose fertilizer (20:20:20.)
  2. Feed it once a month when it is producing new leaves in the spring and summer.
  3. During winter, you don’t need to apply any fertilizer as growth is slow.
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Tips on Planting And Care of Money tree

  1. Plant money trees in sandy, peat moss-based soil to avoid root rot. The plant likes humidity so if your home is dry, place the plant on top of a pebble tray.
  2. Pruning makes money tree care essential and one must do it on regular basis. Snip any dead, damaged, or dying leaves. Use sharp and sterile scissors for pruning shears and clip half an inch above the node. You can even encourage them to be a specific shape by pruning. Money trees can also be trained into bonsai.
  3. Repot every two years in a peat mix. Moving the plant around a lot can cause it to lose leaves so be careful of this.

Money Tree Planter

It is best to use glazed ceramic or terracotta pots for your money tree. They will be ideal as they hold moisture needed by the money trees’ roots. When you keep the plant indoors, they will enhance your decor and also reduce evaporation from the sides of the pot. Your effort to take care of money tree will receive a boost with this specific pot type. Also Read: How To Care For A Jade Plant Easily?

Common Issues

  1. Root rot is a common issue with money trees. To avoid this, make sure you don’t water more than needed, as it can cause the root to decay and die. Use a pot that is not too big and has good drainage.
  2. They are also prone to attract pests like aphids or mealybugs. You can repel them by applying neem oil to the soil and removing aphids with water. These pests can cause major damage so remove them as soon as you see them.
  3. They have great air purifying properties and are pet friendly. Hence, take care of your money tree to prevent any future problems.