The Spider plant is an elegant addition to any space despite its creepy-crawly name. Even for first-time plant parents, Spider plant caring is hassle-free as it is easy to grow, adaptable, and grows fast. Nonetheless, you may have some questions about caring for your Spider plant. Below, we have answered the most common queries.
How easy is Spider plant maintenance? Spider Plant Caring
Moderate watering, indirect light, and well-draining damp soil are all that a thriving Spider plant needs. Spider Plant is an easy-to-grow Indoor Plant and simple-to-maintain plant with good looks and air-purifying qualities.
Why are my Spider plant tips brown? Spider Plant Caring
Brown tips are just dead tissues of the plant. Underwatering or overwatering, high amounts of fluoride in water, too much sun exposure, improper fertilization, low humidity, and infections are the most common reasons for the appearance of brown tips.
Avoid direct sun exposure, and maintain adequate humidity and damp soil to avoid brown tips.

Why are my Spider plant leaves turning yellow? Spider Plant Caring
Similarly, yellow leaves can also be caused by overwatering, pest infestation, too much fertilization, improper light exposure, and high amounts of chemicals in the water used. Place your plant in indirect, bright light, water it lightly once a week, and avoid excess fertilization to prevent your leaves from turning yellow.
Why are my Spider plant leaves curling? Spider Plant Caring
Leaves curling happens due to the wrong pot size, incorrect lighting, and temperature, improper watering, insufficient humidity, or insect infestation. This is easily avoidable by placing the plant in indirect light, watering it just once a week, and using a well-draining pot.
When to water the Spider plant? Spider Plant Caring
The best way to determine whether your Spider plant needs watering is by doing a finger test. If the soil feels dry, then it is time to water your plants. However, if the soil feels damp, then you can wait for a couple of days and water again. Try alternate sources of water for your plants if you live in a water-scarce area.
How much water does the Spider plant need? Spider Plant Caring
While watering your Spider plant, less is more. If the soil feels damp, then you don’t need to water it again until the soil goes dry. Normally, watering your plant lightly once a week should be sufficient.
Is my Spider plant overwatered? Spider Plant Caring
Soggy soil, curling leaves, brown tips, and rotting roots are some signs of an overwatered plant. Overwatering often leads to rotten roots, which hampers the overall development of the plant.
How to prevent Spider plant root rot? Spider Plant Caring
Spider plant root rot mainly happens due to overwatering or when the soil doesn’t drain properly. This can be countered by taking out the plant, washing the roots with clean water, snipping off the affected roots, and then repotting it with fresh new soil in a different pot.

Does Spider plant like the sun? Spider Plant Caring
Spider plants love to be in indirect, bright light. However, the leaves get burnt, tips go brown, and spots appear if they are exposed to hot bright sun. Hence, moderate, indirect, bright light is more apt to grow Spider plants.
Can a Spider plant survive indoors? Spider Plant Caring
Yes, Spider pants are an excellent addition to your indoor plant. In fact, the need for light watering, indirect light, and moderate temperature makes it an easy-to-maintain indoor plant.
Can I use milk for the Spider plant? Spider Plant Caring
Diluted milk is an excellent fertilizer that provides nutrients and calcium to the plant by balancing the pH level of the soil. As it is highly nutritious, milk promotes healthy growth in plants when used in moderation.
What is the Spider plant zone? Spider Plant Caring
These plants grow best in zones 9-11, in a lightly shaded place having well-draining soil. They prefer high humidity and cannot tolerate frost.
Where to put a Spider plant?
Spider plants should be placed in a room with indirect, bright light, and humid temperatures. This allows it to grow well without getting burnt.
How does the Spider plant affect air quality?
The plant is considered to be a champion when it comes to air cleansing. According to NASA, it is one of the top three plants that are great at removing formaldehyde.
Is the Spider plant poisonous? Spider Plant Caring
Very commonly referred to as the ribbon plant or aeroplane plant, it is a non-poisonous plant, great at purifying the air. In fact, in a study by NASA, the Spider plant was able to eliminate 95% of chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene in 24 hours.
What should you know about a Spider plant and pets? Spider Plant Caring
With their green and white leaves, spider plants are attractive to not only humans but even pets. As it is non-toxic, it’s a pet-friendly plant and hence a popular option for pet parents.
What should you know about a Spider plant and dogs? Spider Plant Caring
Although Spider plants are non-toxic to dogs, ingesting them tends to disrupt their digestive system and they may feel nauseous. It may also cause them to vomit or have diarrhoea. In case your dog ends up eating a whole plant, you need to visit a vet.
What should you know about a Spider Plant and cats? Spider Plant Caring
Despite being non-toxic, these plants are mildly hallucinogenic, which may cause cats to have nausea, upset stomach, or diarrhoea when ingested. Hence, it is best to keep it out of reach from your cat.
How does a Spider plant reproduce or propagate? Spider Plant Caring
When grown in a well-conditioned environment, this plant produces runners known as stolons and gives baby plants called Spiderettes. There are three methods by which they propagate:

1. Water Method
This is a pleasing-to-the-eye way of propagating, as the Spiderettes are placed in a jar of water to grow roots. Once the roots develop, they shift to the soil to grow into a new plant.
2. Pot method
Although easy, it is a time-consuming method. A Spiderette from the mother plant is potted in a fresh pot where it takes time to grow roots. This helps the plant in having stronger roots.
3. Stolon method
This is the easiest method as it doesn’t need any tools. The new stolons cover in soil, where they grow roots and produce Spiderettes. The stolons then either break or are cut off creating new offspring.
Can a Spider plant grow in water?
Yes, Spider plants can grow in water for a while, until they develop roots. However, these roots are weak and need time to adjust once transferred into the soil.
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