Beetroot Seeds

145.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹75.00.


  • Potting Mixture Ratio

    These seed need to be planted in a mixture of agro peat, organic manure, and soil in 1:1:3 ratio.

  • Germination Method

    They need to be sowed indoors in small sapling for 5-6 weeks before transplanting to gardens.

  • Watering and Sunlight

    The seedlings need regular watering and once established doesn’t usually need much watering and are best grown in full sun.

  • Season and Germination Rate

    Season it grows best: August to November

    Germination rate Percentage: 95-98%

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Beetroot Seeds that are used for growing the famous beetroots, whose greens and roots are used extensively in kitchen. The seed which are actually group of flowers, melded together by petals, can be sown in directly into soil during spring. Native to Europe, the beets prefer growing in sun and needs moderate level of watering.

145.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹75.00.