Ash Gourd Seeds

145.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹75.00.


  • Potting Mixture Ratio

    The potting soil can be made by mixing garden soil, cocopeat and cow dung powder or vermi compost at 1:1:1 ratio.

  • Germination Method

    Air proved plastic pots ensure the humidity and moisture which is mandatory for Ash gourd seeds germination.

  • Watering and Sunlight

    They should be watered once a week, not letting the soil over-drained or overwatered and needs full sun.

  • Season and Germination Rate

    Season it grows best: January-March/ September-December

    Germination rate Percentage: 78.67%

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Ash Gourd Seeds the key to the popular Ash Gourd, is a good source of vitamin C, B1, B3, Flavonoids and carotenes the famous antioxidants used to protect body and skin. This all-seasonal star takes 5-10 days to germinate and needs nutritional soil. Also known as Winter melon, this vegetable has numerous health benefits including very good for digestion and ulcer treatment among others.

145.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹75.00.