The Monstera Varieties is one of the most popular houseplants today. Their interesting design has been adapted to everything from wallpapers to pillows. The unique shape of the leaves helps them to withstand heavy rainfalls and allow more sunlight in the wild. Monsteras are creepers and need support as they grow. You’ll need a trellis or stake to help them climb. Monstera Propagation can be done through seeds and cuttings. Here is how you propagate the Monstera plant.

How To Propagate Monstera In Water Or Soil?

Monsteras are easy to propagate with stem cuttings. Here’s how you can do so-

  • Firstly, using shears, cut off a part of a stem that has a few leaves and an aerial root. 
  • Cut the step into different segments with each one having one leaf. Leaves will still have an aerial root attached to them.
  • Submerge the cuttings into a vase of filtered water. You can let it sit until you see new roots appear. 
  • Plant the cuttings into a container with fresh potting soil. Remember to keep the soil moist.
propagate monstera in water rooting
Image Source: Canva

How To Propagate Monstera Plant via Air Layering?

Air Layering is the most popular and reliable way to propagate monsteras. It can be done with a more mature plant that’s tall. It’s preferable because it doesn’t harm the mother plant with any cuttings. Here’s how you can propagate with air layering-

  • Select a leaf that is growing from a stem with an aerial root attached to it. Make a small cut just below the root. 
  •  Tie some sphagnum moss around the cut using a twine. Secure it with a sheet of plastic to keep the moisture in. 
  • You will start to see new roots growing in a couple of months. 
  • Remove the plastic sheet and cut the stem. Plant the new monstera in a pot with soil. 

How do you take care of a Monstera?

  • Place the plant in a pot with drainage holes that have well-drained and moderately moist soil. 
  • It needs indirect sunlight as too much heat can burn the leaves. In winters, however, you can place it outside in the direct sun for healthy growth.
  • During active growth, water regularly every one to two weeks. Allow soil to dry out before watering. During winters, water less frequently, Avoid overwatering as it leads to root rot. 
  • Feed the monstera with a premium fertilizer 3-4 times a year. If you take care of it properly, it may reach up to 10 feet in height.
  • Repot the plant only every 2 to 3 years as they thrive when they are root-bound. Once you see the roots emerge from the drainage holes, you should report them. 
  • If leaves are turning brown, it signifies that you are underwatering the plant. You need to water the plants evenly and more regularly.
  • If leaves are turning yellow, it signifies improper watering. You may be over-watering the plants.

Monsteras are a delight to grow no matter how skilled you are at gardening. They will appear striking no matter where you place them in your house. By following this guide, you’ll grow a plant that commands attention and attracts love.