Watermelon Seeds

145.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹75.00.


  • Potting Mixture ratio

    Potting mix requires half of the organic potting soil and half of the potting mix.

  • Germination method

    Sow the seeds in sandy loam soils and in an area where they receive full sunlight.

  • Watering and Sunlight

    Plants require about an inch of water per week with at least 8 hours of sunlight.

  • Season and Germination rate

    Season it grows best: Spring and autumn

    Germination rate Percentage: 70%

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Watermelon Seeds are used to produce the most delicious and popular fruit of summer, the Watermelon. These
seeds are sown in February-March and takes almost 90 days to grow a full-size watermelon. With almost 8 hours of
sunlight, and produce large, roundish or elongated fruit with green rind and a sweet red pulp, belonging to gourd

145.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹75.00.