Salvia Blue Seeds

145.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹75.00.


  • Potting Mixture ratio

    The potting mix consists of peat moss, pine bark, and other ingredients including earthen soil.

  • Germination method

    Sow the seeds thinly and evenly barely press into seed.

  • Watering and Sunlight

    Salvia blue seeds need full sunlight and well-drained and moist soil.

  • Season and Germination rate

    Season it grows best: Monsoon

    Germination rate Percentage: 75%

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Salvia Blue Seeds are used to produce the perennial plant, that is very popular among many gardeners.
These flowers have lavender-blue flowers that run up and down their spikes, with bright grey-green
foliage and bloom profusely all summer. These easy to grow from seed and can vary to produce from
the tall exotic blooms to hardy herbaceous perennials and shrubs.

145.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹75.00.